I'm sure it was due to the time change, but regardless of the reason, my kids had a great morning today. I wanted to acknowledge them, so on the way to school, I clapped a couple times - like a small round of congratulative applause - and addressed them with a pep-talky, "Allright! I just want to take a moment to congratulate everyone on a great and successful morning. I want you to know that your teamwork and cooperation is VERY appreciated by all levels of management!"
To which, Adria's son Blase paused and then gave back, "Wow. Sounds like it was REALLY appreciated by the middle level."
He thinks he's funny. I laughed though the pain.
This is coming shortly after another time he zinged me pretty good so I got all authoritive on him and dropped the dad-hammer with, "Looky here funny man, I don't know what you think your job around here is, but I know what mine is - and I'm the one who tells the jokes around here. Capeesh?"
He apparently wasn't capeeshing because he just kinda of shook his head a little, did a poor job of fighting off a smile, and says back, "You can say that and believe it if it makes you feel better, Dad, but the rest of us knows that Jaelynn is the real joke teller around here."
What sucked is that he was right then too. His 7yo sister makes everybody laugh around here more than the next 2-3 people combined.
It's taken me 20 years, but I've somewhat grown used to the fact that my wife is more quick witted than I am - and it never fails that just when I think I've delivered the closing zinger to bantering with her - she fires back with a kill shot and it's game over. What I'm NOT used to though is falling yet another notch in the rankings to her understudy, who is doing a fine job at copying her ability to cut you to the bone while making you laugh about it.
What's even the worser is that not only am I being passed by HIM, but I'm being passed by HIM by him pointing out that we ALL got passed by his sister - which now puts me in the bottom half of the funny at our house.
Anyway, I just thought I'd vent/share my troubles.
And please also keep in mind that he's not ACTUALLY being mouthy or disrespectful. It's all in good spirited fun and it's how we joke around with each other. I'm just not used to him winning.