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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.
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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.
GM Longroof MissionWelcome and Thank you for joining the GM Longroof Forum!
This site is intended as a home for ALL GM Longroof enthusiasts. While the focus of our forums is the last generation General Motors B and D body cars, all station wagon owners are welcome.
ALL civil, productive and positive discussions are encouraged. We all like to have a little fun too. Please take a few moments to read through the Rules below to make things better for everyone.
Conduct Guidelines & Acceptable Use Policy
1 - Lead by example! The senior members of the forum are expected to act as such. Help newer members with the 'newbie' questions and show them how to use search.
2 - Show respect for your fellow forum members. Not everyone will agree all the time, it's not expected. Disagree without being disagreeable. Take arguments between members offline or in private messages. Our forum isn't a sandbox for bickering. Use the ignore functions if you dislike a member that much.
3 - Keep the language and pictures (including avatars) clean and respectful. If it's not “safe for work” don't post it. This site is to be viewed as family friendly.
4 - Post in the appropriate section. Threads posted incorrectly WILL be moved without notice. Keep posts on topic as much as possible.
Do Not:
5 - Harass, insult or otherwise post hateful things about other members. Doing such will earn the poster a vacation from the forum.
6 - Post for the sake of posting (post whoring). Post specifically to create controversy and arguments (trolling). Post advertisements or bulk messages (spamming). Such posts or posters will be subject to ban or deletion at the Administrators discretion.
7 - Make multiple posts or threads asking a single question.
8 - Violate National or International copyright laws with post content.
Please only create one account. Those found to be using multiple accounts will be subject to immediate ban and possible permanent ban upon Admin review. If your account is not working, contact an Admin or Mod to have it fixed rather than creating a new account.
Any account having made zero posts will be subject to deletion after one year of inactivity. This means if you have zero posts AND have not visited GM Longroof in one year, your account may be removed.
Buying and Selling:
If you need a part, post in 'Wanted'. If you have a part or two to sell, post in 'Parts for Sale'. If you have a car/vehicle to sell, post in 'Cars for Sale'. If you have seen a vehicle for sale on a web site (eBay, CraigsList, etc), post in 'CraigsList Finds'. If you are a vendor or deemed by the GM Longroof Administration as a vendor, you must follow the vendor guidelines below!
If a non-vendor posts an item for sale, please include a sales price and whether or not shipping is included. If you don't like the price a member has posted, IGNORE IT! Posts attacking a sellers or their pricing will be deleted with NO warning. Posts in these threads should be directly related to the original post, stay on topic.
GM Longroof has a section specifically for those wishing to sell products or services related to the Longroof community. ALL vendors must be approved in advance by the Forum Admins. Any posts started in the Vendor section without approval will be deleted without warning. Additionally, the poster will be contacted and reprimanded for said post. Currently there is no charge to be a vendor on Longroof. This may change in the future and current vendors will be notified ahead of such change.
Enforcement of Violations:
We have attempted to keep our rules simple and easy to follow. Should a member violate these rules, there will be consequences. As such, the following actions may be taken at the discretion of the Administrators and/or Moderators in response to such violations.
First Notice of rules violation. – Warning notice sent to member(s) via private message.
Second Notice of rules violation – One Week Suspension
Third Notice of rules violation. – One Month Suspension
Fourth Notice of rules violation. – Permanent Ban
First Notice involving Spamming or Trolling of the forums – One Month Suspension
Second Notice involving Spamming or Trolling of the forums – Permanent Ban
Posting material of a pornographic or illegal nature – Permanent Ban based on Admin review
Notice! In addition, members should be aware that in keeping with federal and state law, GM Longroof Forum, in response to court order or specified legal process or certain kinds of emergency governmental requests, may turn over other information such as the content of account information, e-mail, posts or PM's. Unrelated advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate and will be removed.
Thank You
GM Longroof Moderators
Please also note that as our forum is hosted by Forumotion, we are bound by their rules which can be found here.