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 New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15

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New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Empty
PostSubject: New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15   New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2024 8:07 pm

After 11k+ miles under my ownership in the past 15 months, my 1996 RMW got new tires and wheels this week! I wrote about my experience on another forum, but thought it might be useful to others if I posted here as well.

The original alloys rode well (no vibration) but each wheel had scuff marks, and some of the wheels had slight discolorations to boot. It was time to put to finally use the nice OEM alloys that I had scored on eBay last year.

Why change the tires? To be fair, the Futura Scrambler tires installed by a prior owner are objectively hard wearing: mine still had plenty of thread left. Tthey also offer a better comfort (ride/noise) than their low price would suggest. This said, while they handle fine on dry roads, they are useless in the snow (as I discovered during an unexpected dusting last winter) and, unless going in a straight line, they are not great in the rain either (as I discovered last week when starting from a red light in a curve during a downpour). So, I decided that they had to go.

I am not a fan of blackwall tires on Roadies, so the choice was between whitewalls (specifically, the Hankook Kynergy H735 that I have and like on my 1996 FWB) or raised white-outline letters (specifically, the Michelin Defender LTX M/S). The highest-rated (by far) tire for 15in wheels is the LTX and my installer found a quartet in the size that I wanted (235/75R15, same as the Scrambler), so I ordered them last Friday. Luckily, that qualified me for a Michelin summer rebate that expired two days later.

(Note: I know that the OEM size is either 225/75R15 (as is my full size spare) or 235/70R15 -- but 235/75R15 works well and looks good to my eyes, so that is what I got).

I had the Michelins mounted on the eBay alloys a few days ago. Boy, is the ride quieter and smoother! I thought that the car was comfortable before, but I have driven about 100 miles already and the difference is hard to believe. Michelin recently discontinued the Defender LTX M/S in the 15in size, so if you want some, get them now!

Here is the car parked in front a friend's house earlier this week.

New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Img_3110

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New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15   New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2024 5:10 am

For blackwalls on my wagons, I've had very good luck with General Altimax RT45 in 235/70/15. For whitewalls, I've recently switched to Vogue Custom VII in the same size (pricey, but nice looking, very quiet and good handing characteristics on dry and wet roads. Cars are in storage in winter).
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New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15   New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2024 2:42 pm

My old 96 I had put on Michelin‘s that still had a lot of life left. When it went off to the boneyard. I’m sure somebody grabbed those and got a nice set of wheels for cheap
Those were the best tires. I could take corners at a much higher speed with no sense of breaking loose. They also were had good traction in rain/wet roads. Slightly higher price was definitely worth it.
Current wagon has optimas from previous owner - seem decent but sidewalls fee softer for sure, but then i drive more conservatively now.

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New tires installed: Michelin Defender LTX M/S 235/75R15 Empty
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