Well its happened again,some low life got my ATM card number and went shopping at my espense.Checked my balance
this AM and found 2 charges in the amounts of $116.33 and $3.49 for a application program to some college in Canada.
Well I am getting my money back but these low lifes scumbags are making me crazy.This is the second time this year.
I never use my ATM card for anything but cash advances but this scum got my number and decided to go shopping.
Guys watch who is around you anytime you take that card out and never leave a receipt laying around that can be
used later.Getting a new card that cant be used for anything but cash advances in amounts that only I know about.
The woman at my bank said that Wachovia single largest expense is identity theft protection and prevention.Told me
that they have had to literally rewrite the rules concerning these bastards and that the cost of developing programs
to catch these people has tripled in the last 5 years.
Be Careful
Jim Gordon