I have swapped out a number of aftermarket wheels with adapters. I found all of my wheels and adapters on ebay. Get a 14 inch wheel. The original wheels are 15 inch, and the aftermarket wheels that are 15 inches seem a little big for the car. The ones with a thicker rim are a lot more comfortable as well. Be careful purchasing from Asia. I have had good results from Australia. I used Seamail to ship for a negligible cost, but it took 3 months to get here. Do not buy a used wood rim wheel with any cracks, they are not worth anything. If you are getting a new one, you have a lot to pick from. I personally like the older wheels, but again, be careful with condition. A good used MOMO or Nardi will cost you upwards of $150. You can get new off brand or Grant for a bit less. Get the billet adapter, and check the depth, because the wheel stalk/distance can be uncomfortable with the wrong adapter for the dish of the wheel. The Chevy adapters up to 1990 will work with all 91-96 B bodies. The manufacturers do not want to deal with the airbag cars. There is an adapter that is priced lower than most, but it requires a mod to make it work correctly. It is from apple289 on ebay. I have used a couple of them, and after modifying, they work good.