The winter finally came and it was really cold a couple of days ago (about -30C / -22F). I hadn't driven my Caprice for a while but decided to put the block heater on and try to drive it to work. But the battery was way too empty for that. The starter didn't spin, it just gave rapid clicking. Even jump starting didn't help. But I'm sure that at least at some point there was fuel pump priming and gas smell after trying to start.
I got the battery inside and charged it. Later I tried again and the starter was spinning like crazy, but the engine did not start. The fuel pump wasn't working. It was late and cold and I had a flu, so I let it be.
The next day I found out that there's a test connector for the pump. I went to jump it and the pump run! But it sounded kind of hollow or lazy and like it was accelerating. The engine started normally. But this time it was a lot warmer (about -10C / +14f). After letting the engine run for a while, the pump priming sounded normal.
Today the temperature was something in between those earlier days at about -20c / -4f . The car started well, but I Think the pump was turning just a little bit slowlier while priming than normally. Not sure though, I haven't noticed before if it's always like that when it's cold.
What do you think? Is my fuel pump starting to fail, did I break it while trying to start with an empty battery? Or could it have been something else that prevented the pump from getting power (ecm, pump fuse, etc. It's a shame I didn't know about the test connector then), and could the starting with the pump not running cause the odd sound the other day when it was running?