So I got up early, cleaned the Cutlass, loaded up my son, went and got my father, called my buddy with the AMC Pacer, who was already on the way to the show, and headed to Leander for Cars and Coffee.
T-Tops off, sunny and 78 degrees(!!), perfect car show weather. Great mood, coffee in hand, wind in hair....
So we get halfway there and my Pacer buddy calls me. They changed the show from the last Sunday of the month, to the first Sunday of the month. It's on their website...he's there, and nobody else is.
I just looked at the website last night, didn't notice the change.....
DOH!!!!! It'll most likely snowing next weekend knowing my luck!
Ended up taking the family to the ranch in Burnet, and went 4-wheeling and target shooting. Still a fun day, gorgeous weather, but I was SO looking forward to the car show. Oh well.
Sorry gang, no good car show pics tonight.