Hmm,. well perhaps i should share my registering experience??
i sent money first for membership,.twice in 2 years,. never received fuuck all for it,.
asked what i needed to pay for the nats,.was told,
The loyalty,. good old boy song, was sung, but with a new choir,.calling the faithful to pay.
I sent money,.
money was lost,.
still being asked to pay again 3 months later till i sent copies of the paypal invoices
Now it's gone quiet,.
Even after asking for a detailed receipt i still haven't recieved any invoice/receipt ,. membership package,. or anything f*cking thing at all for my hard earned totall of $160 us featherless eagles!!,.
Issca,. is that code for money sucking impala club so the regulars can go have fun in their little clique??
and everything gets posted to the ISSF forum which is tied by an umbilical cord to issca,. but isn't
a part of issca but if you want to know anything about issca you gotta go there,. and if you're banned off the issf thanks to a couple of megalomaniacs,.well too bad,.
Issca's a F*cking Joke,.
oops did i say that out loud,.??
Rant #2 for today,.off.