Well I'm back home after my 2,516 mile, 14 day, 12 state tour of the east coast. I saw family, old friends, good bands, ate yummy NY Pizza, saw a great motocross race, towed a 5x8 Uhaul trailer from NY to GA that only took 16 hrs due to rain traffic and slower travel speeds, and averaged 13.4 MPG towing. The car handeled the steep hills of southern VA's Interstate 81 easily but did stand the temp gauge a bit over straight up and down on one long uphill with the A/C blasting.
It would have been a real great trip if the day before we were set to come home, and right while we were just starting to pack up if all the interior lights hadn't decided to stay on. Nothing like spending the last day of your vacation unscrewing door switches to no avail, then having to take all the interior light bulbs out.
Any one have this problem before?