Hey guys, i've been trying to identify a few engine bay noises. I've found one of them is the A/C compressor clutch. The clutch is not fully disengaging when off, causing it to catch every once in a while. It makes kind of a 'chitter chitter' noise.
The clutch engages fine and the coil gets 12v the coil also measures 4ohms so i know its good. When the system is totally off and the wires from the compressor are removed it is engaging lightly causing it to spin just 1/8th turn over and over and over.. There is red-ish clutch dust all over the unit and surrounding area.
My question is..
I have 2 other a/c compressors in the garage which where pulled working. I plan to just put one of those clutches on it, and make sure the air gap is correct. Do I also need to replace the pulley? I ask because the clutch does engage against a plate on the pulley.. Is the red dust from the clutch or the surface of the pulley that the clutch is engaging against?
The other pulleys are v belt driven, so i'd have to go buy one