I dId thIs mod about a year ago, but just swItched from the orIgInal chrome style to body color.
These are the lowest/smallest profIle fender turn IndIcators I could fInd. They are Mopar from the early 70's and readily availiable on ebay used or reproduction.
These typIcally were mounted 3-9" from the front of the fender, but that was In the days of long fenders and squared off front ends. By the 90's, these started to creep up closer to the wIndshIeld so they could be seen by the drIver as car front ends went downward due to aerodynamIcs.
I mounted mIne at 15" from the front of the fender. These can be seen nIcely from the drIvers posItIon whIle drIvIng. There Is already holes in the side of the fender near the top so I enlarged the hole larger usIng a step drIll so I had some room to get In wIth a mInIature wrench (carburetor sIze wrench).
I drIlled the two holes on the top of the fender so the IndIcator could fIt down in and then just fastened it tight.
MIne are the one-wIre versIon so I connected the wire to the turn sIgnal wIre and done! Ground Is made by the nut contactIng the body under the IndIcator. Some are avaIlable that are two wIre so you have to hook the second wIre to a ground.
I lIked them before, but now that they are body color, they are even better looking and blend in nicely and look factory! CadIllacs In the 90's had somethIng sImIlar to these (but fIber optIc and not very vIsIble) and the were mounted up even hIgher on the fenders (closer to the wIndshIeld).
To get them factory color, I sanded the chrome ones, etch prImed them and then sprayed them body color and then some clear coat.
To button It all up, I snapped In a grommet cover In the hole I enlarged In the fender.
I have had a few InterestIng looks at them when at a stop lIght wIth the IndIcator flashIng as you don't really see these much anymore.
I thInk they are cool anyway and certaInly befIttIng a bIg beautIful BuIck!