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 Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship

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Fred Kiehl

Fred Kiehl

Posts : 7326
Join date : 2009-11-13
Age : 76
Location : Largo, FL 33774

Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship Empty
PostSubject: Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship   Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2022 10:22 pm

I am selling one of the steering wheels I used on the Starship. I found another one that I like better.

I would like $300 for it, plus shipping. It has some patina, and the right spoke has a crack at the top. It comes with a generic horn button. It fits the MOMO bolt pattern, and needs an adapter to fit a B body.
Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship 20220817
Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship 20220816
Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship 20220818
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Aftermarket steering wheel from the Starship
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