So in the midst the oil cooler action, My SES popped on with code 43 knock sensor. The LT1 has two and one is right above the cooler lines I was working on. It came on after the first try, and has pretty much stayed on.....until this eve.
I checked the two of them and the passenger side one was fairly tight, but spins. the driver's side spins and wiggles and genereally feels fairly loose in there. After fiddling with it earlier the SES light has gone out and the PCM is not retarding the timing anymore so she's running good.
I'm guessing I should swap that one out prior to my lovely wife driving it out to Mike's neighborhood in TX at the end of the week.
BTW Mike will have a heart attack when/if he's see's Dusty. The clear coat on the hood is in full peel, not to mention numerous dings, scrapes, collapsed spare tire wells from joy rididng previous sail panels, I could go on.