I believe the cores are brass (99.99% chance). If you keep them dry, they should last forever. Check the cores for leaks, and if they do leak, you can resolder them if they are brass. To check for leaks, hold one line closed with your finger or thumb, and blow into the other. If it does not hold pressure, putting water in it will show exactly where the leak is. To solder it get some resin flux, and some plumbers solder. A propane torch will get it hot enough. Do not use acid flux under any circumstances. If it is aluminum, there is aluminum solder with special flux in it. The propane torch is sufficient for either metal. The aluminum dissipates heat faster than the brass, so be careful if it is aluminum, because you can unsolder the good parts.
You did not state if you have manual or automatic climate control. The automatic climate control uses vacuum to move the diverters.