When I purchased my wagon the water pump was leaking and the po said he had tried stop leak twice on it and it didn't work. So I replaced the waterpump and hoses and cleaned out the tank as the tank was full of black muddy substance. Fast forward two years to today I was doing the throttle body bypass, after taking the l shape hose off that connects to this pipe on the left of the throttle body I noticed the l hose clogged up so I cleaned it out and looked at the end of the pipe which looked caked up also.
So I fought the bolts for a hour to get the pipe off (real pita), found that the drivers bolt was clogged up totally and the pass bolt only had one side hole unclogged. I got the bolts cleaned out but now I need new washers. Part number anyone?
The pipe is totally clogged up in the crooked section from the throttle body.
The section that spans head to head is not clogged.
I have a buddy bringing me a small pipe snake in the morning but if that dosnt work is there somewhere I can buy a new one do I call it a vent tube when calling around?
Always seemed odd to me that when I put the new pump on and filled the res up with the orange coolant it never seems to move or get dirty.