Hey guys. Sorry for the short window of opportunity here, but I promised Mike I'd provide shirts for his event on the 22nd for anyone who's interested in getting one.
Prices are the same as they've been in the past:
Cost Per Shirt
Kids XS through adult XL - $12
2X and 3X - $15
4X - $17
Black Hoodies with White graphics can also be sent for $25 up to 3XL.
These will be identical to the NEW YORK wagonfest shirts, but NEW YORK will be replaced with VIRGINIA on the back.
Payment methods:
1. Please send payment via paypal to
mrbeebody@aim.com and include your name and your size.
2. If you'd rather send a check, I'll trust you. Just email me at that same address your size and name and it'll be there waiting for you.
I'd like to ship these on Tuesday the 18th, so place your order by that Monday night at the latest.
One shipment will be sent to Mike, so you can pick up your shirt there.
Again, sorry for the delay and thanks in advance.